Town Of Lapel: The Lapel Police Department is accepting applications for a School Resource Offi…

The Lapel Police Department is accepting applications for a School Resource Officer (SRO). Follow the below links to view and download the job announcement and application packet.

Lapel SRO Job announcement:


Town Of Lapel: We have just been notified by Best Way that delivery and assembly of new trash b…

We have just been notified by Best Way that delivery and assembly of new trash bins will begin next week they have had a delay in shipping. Trash pick up curb side of bags will be Friday and the dumpster at the shop on Vine Street will continue until bins are delivered. Please keep in mind the dumpster is for bagged trash items not heavy disposal. Heavy disposal items fill the dumpster quickly and does not allow for residents to dispose of bagged trash.


Town Of Lapel: Attention Residents: We have been informed Waste Management is in town picking …

Attention Residents:
We have been informed Waste Management is in town picking up your bins. Please have them to the curb for pick up, if they are not at the curb Waste Management will not pick them up. They are going street by street and hope to be finished by Saturday. They also told us they are making one trip down each street. A text alert is also being sent out regarding bin pick up.


Town Of Lapel: Best Way has contacted us regarding a pick up time next Friday, normally trucks …

Best Way has contacted us regarding a pick up time next Friday, normally trucks will be running at 5am they said they will make some adjustments due to Village Fair. We know it’s going to be a busy weekend with the fair and the rummage sales.
Best Way is dropping off a dumpster at the utility shop at 1510 N Vine today, should arrive around noon for anyone wishing to get rid of trash.
Again we appreciate your cooperation as we make this transition.
